Breaking Ground: Foundational Strength Training
From The Ground Up
Our society has become too sedentary, pain and discomfort have become normal, and most jobs require us to sit in front of computers all day with limited opportunities to move the way the human body was intended. We wear the number of calories we burned in a workout like a badge of honor, focusing only on high intensity exercise and neglecting the type of work that keeps us healthy and pain free in order to comfortably live our lives and continue training at a high level. We buy into products, diets, or programs that promise quick results only to find that there is no such thing when it comes to changing our bodies.
When it comes to our health, choosing the path of least resistance is not an option. Losing weight isn’t easy. Building muscle isn’t easy. Going to the gym and kicking your butt for sixty minutes seven days a week is not the answer. I love a good HIIT workout, but our bodies need diversity of movement and time to recover and heal in order to truly thrive. They are capable of so many amazing things, and we need to treat them as such by building them up the same way we would a million dollar house - with a clear blueprint, strong foundation and quality materials all put together by an experienced architect.
This is exactly what my Breaking Ground program is intended to do. The message is simple: establish foundational strength throughout your body by training for balance, stability, mobility and muscular endurance with a focus on quality form and technique.
Reestablish Greatness
Breaking Ground is also designed for the individual who already leads an active lifestyle. We sometimes overwork or overtrain our bodies to the point of pain, discomfort, or even injury. Taking a step back and revisiting the exercises that reestablish our body’s foundation is important for a number of reasons, but the most important of all is to prevent injuries in order to remain active.
A fitness journey isn’t called a journey because it only takes one month to complete. The fitness journey is one that never ends! I’ve been a multi sport athlete, model, personal trainer and parent who has been exercising for over 20 years. I’ve wanted to lose fat, gain muscle, run a half marathon, eliminate lower back pain, fix my feet, shoulders, elbows, do a muscle up, deadlift 300 pounds…I think you get the point. My goals are constantly changing, and I am still learning what my body needs in order to move well and feel good. Have I reached those goals that I just listed? YES. Foundational strength is the key to achieving any fitness goal because it’s not only how you set yourself up for success at the start of your fitness journey, but it’s the main way to prevent injury and stay healthy as you progress through your journey. Instilling these concepts now will set you up for long term success and sustainability, ultimately preventing injury and preparing your body for more intense work and heavier loads as you move forward.
Start Your Journey
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